I've been learning the Colemak layout this past month for ergonomics. trying to get my WPM up. No more Qwerty for me.
vim surround is legit
with auto pairs you can type something in quotes and then use cs to replace the quote with a tag
type yss then your tag to wrap it
visual mode V S apply it to a whole line
ysiw and tag to apply tag to word like b or em
cst then new tag to replace tag
ds to delete delimiters
ctrl o goes back a directory d makes a new directory D deletes a file % makes a new file
ranger :bulkrename ctrl v visual block select + d. make a macro with q, f jump [, di[, delete w x. ^ to start of line. move one line down. end macro, call it with @. repeat it with motions 100@ etc.
zz centers cursor : number jumps to line, gqq splits a long line up into smaller lines, capital J joins lines, gJ joins without space (use visual block first)
:%w ! pbcopy, that sucks. just open it in nano instead.
i wanna make a navbar styled to look like zombie snail with animated pulsing divs that use mix-blend-mode attribute and opacity on layers
oh man this is exactly what i was looking for ever since back in the the dreamweaver days I wanted to be able to draw a website in marker and make the links clickable. I found out image maps were a thing from an old book on html from value village but it said you needed to link to "cgi scripts" things were more tedious back then.