note 1

ether git checkout to resolve conflict when you pull and its behind using magit to manage the git on this testing it out. trying to get used to emacs argg i hate rebabasing and fast forwarding git merge conflicts are such a headache it sucks so much when you accidentally push before pulling okay this time il try magit again editing it on github to test pulling from magit trying to push again from here *******


vim control d control u = pg up down shift ZQ quit change xrate to move faster on keys 350 is a good setting shift curlybracket move around A moves to end of line and enter insert I enter insert mode :X is also save and quit :W save :sort sorts everything d to delete dw delete word x delete char d$ delete to end of line 0 and caret take you to start D also deletes to end of line w and e are movement commands e end to nex word b move back a word d{ delete paragraph 2w move 2 words forward dd delete line u undo control r redo daw delete word AND white space around it diw delte word not the white space around it dap delete paragraph di( delete in paranthesis da( delete everything including :earlier 5m go back in time!